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SLUB Dresden (Datenlieferant)


hohe Festigkeit, hohe Duktilität, gutes Ermüdungsverhalten, gute Durchhärtbarkeit, gute plastische Verformbarkeit, gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit
Anwendungsgebiete Luft- und Raumfahrt; Flugzeugbauteile
alternative Namen
  • Ti-5553
  • Titanium 5553
  • Titan 5553
weitere Angaben
  • metastabile β-Titanlegierung

Physikalische Eigenschaften

Name Wert Messverfahren und -bedingungen
Dichte 4.67 g/cm³
Mechanische Eigenschaften
Streckgrenze 1000 – 1250 MPa
Zug-Elastizitätsmodul 110 GPa
Zugdehnung beim Bruch > 5 %
Zugfestigkeit 1100 – 1400 MPa

Chemische Eigenschaften

chemische Zusammensetzung (Gewichtsprozent)



4.4 - 5.7 


4 - 5.5 


4 - 5.5 


2.5 - 3.5 



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Ergänzende Materialdaten

In Situ CT Tensile Testing of an Additively Manufactured and Heat-Treated Metastable ß-Titanium Alloy (Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr)

Additive manufacturing has been considered a suitable process for developing high-performance parts of medical or aerospace industries. The electron beam powder bed fusion process, EB-PBF, is a powder bed fusion process carried out in a vacuum, in which the parts are melted using a highly focused electron beam. The material class of metastable β-titanium alloys, and especially Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr, show great potential for use as small and highly complex load-bearing parts. Specimens were additively manufactured with optimised process parameters and different heat treatments used in order to create tailored mechanical properties. These heat-treated specimens were analysed with regard to their microstructure (SEM) and their mechanical strength (tensile testing). Furthermore, in situ tensile tests, using a Deben CT5000 and a YXLON ff35 industrial μ-CT, were performed and failure-critical defects were detected, analysed and monitored. Experimental results indicate that, if EB-PBF-manufactured Ti-5553 is heat-treated differently, a variety of mechanical properties are possible. Regarding their fracture mechanisms, failure-critical defects can be etected at different stages of the tensile test and defect growth behaviour can be analysed.
additive manufacturing
electron beam powder bed fusion
metastable β-titanium alloy
industrial computer tomography
non-destructive evaluation
in situ tensile testing
  • industrial computer tomography, YXLON ff35 CT
  • in situ tensile testing of EB-PBF Ti-5553 using EL = 600 J/m, Deben CT5000
  • conventional tensile test of EB-PBF Ti-5553 using EL = 600 J/m, Zwick 1474 material tester, in accordance with DIN EN ISO 6892-1, elongation rate of 0.55 mm/min

Physikalische Eigenschaften

Name Wert Sollbereich Bemerkung Messverfahren und -bedingungen
Mechanische Eigenschaften
Streckgrenze 860 MPa as-built DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
820 MPa 817 – 823 MPa as-built in situ tensile test
1360 MPa 1346 – 1374 MPa STA DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
860 MPa 1124 – 1208 MPa STA in situ tensile test
820 MPa 873 – 903 MPa BASCA DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
881 MPa 879 – 883 MPa BASCA in situ tensile test
Zugdehnung beim Bruch 21.9 % 19 – 24.8 % as-built DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
1.1 % 0.9 – 1.3 % as-built in situ tensile test
4.2 % 2.9 – 5.5 % STA DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
1.21 % 1.11 – 1.31 % STA in situ tensile test
22.1 % 23.1 – 21.1 % BASCA DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
1.32 % 0.92 – 1.72 % BASCA in situ tensile test
Zugfestigkeit 887 MPa 816 – 958 MPa as-built DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
856 MPa 851 – 861 MPa as-built in situ tensile test
1460 MPa 1439 – 1481 MPa STA DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
1212 MPa 1171 – 1253 MPa STA in situ tensile test
971 MPa 958 – 984 MPa BASCA DIN EN ISO 6892-1, conventional tensile test
943 MPa 917 – 969 MPa BASCA in situ tensile test
weitere Angaben
  • STA heat treatment, solution at 790 °C (heating rate = 10 K/min) for 1 h followed by an air quench down to room temperature and an ageing step at 500 °C (heating rate of 10 K/min) for 1 h
  • BASCA heat treatment, annealing at 890 °C (heating rate = 10 K/min) for 1.5 h followed by an oven cooling of 2 K/min down to the aging step at 600 °C for 8 h
zugehörige wissenschaftliche Publikation


Professur für Werkstofftechnik

Ansprechpartner für diese Materialdaten

Julius Hendl
Anfrage per E-Mail

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.02.2020

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