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Welcome to the Material Hub!
Material Hub is an open, central materials research platform.
Find the right material for your use case quickly and across domains!
We are also happy to take your material and material-related data into account. To present your services in the Material Hub, register now free of charge as a data provider.
free, central access to material and material data
easy contact with experts from research and industry
user interface for different research strategies
data providers from research
increase the visibility of your research activities
present results on existing or self-developed materials
initiate research and industry cooperations
data providers from industry
present your materials
increase your visibility
initiate research and industry cooperations
receive precise inquiries from potential customers
Discover further offers
Material Hub is part of the Specialised Information Service Materials Science and Engineering, or FID Materials Science for short. Disover more of our services here.
Partners in the Material Hub
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