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English Oak

Weitere Informationen zum Beispiel zu Dauerhaftigkeit, Verarbeitbarkeit und Toxizität finden Sie hier.

Abbildung des Materials
Verbreitung Most of Europe, to Asia Minor, and North Africa
alternative Namen
  • other common name: European Oak
  • scientific name: Quercus robur
  • Deutsch: Stileiche

Physikalische Eigenschaften

Name Wert Messverfahren und -bedingungen
Abmessung (tall) 24 – 35 m
Abmessung (trunk diameter) 1 – 1.5 m
Dichte 675 kg/m³
radialer Schwund 4.7 %
relative Dichte 0.53 basic
0.67 12 % moisture content
T/R-Verhältnis (Schwund) 1.8
tangentialer Schwund 8.4 %
Volumenschwund 13 %
Mechanische Eigenschaften
Biege-Elastizitätsmodul 10.6 GPa
Biegefestigkeit 97.1 MPa
Druckfestigkeit 46.3 MPa
Janka-Härte 4980 N

Daten bereitgestellt von


The information and recommendations contained in this document are based upon data collected by the Wood Database and believed to be correct. However, no warranty of fitness for use or any other guarantees or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made to the information contained herein, and the Wood Database assumes no responsibility for the results of the use of products and processes described herein.

Ergänzende Materialdaten

English oak - thermomechanically densified and thermally modified timber using the Vacu³-process

Densification and thermal modification change wood properties in different ways depending on the treatment conditions and the wood species. In the presented investigations, densification and thermal modification were applied consecutively. The primary objective of this treatment combination was the compensation of reduced mechanical properties due to the thermal modification by densification. The combined processes were applied to five European wood species: poplar (Populus nigra L.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), English oak (Quercus robur L.) and European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). Depending on the mean density of the species, a thermo-mechanical densification of 43 or 50% was imposed to improve mechanical strength parallel to the grain. ubsequently, the densified material was thermally modified in the so-called Vacu3-process at 230 °C and 20 or 80% vacuum and at 240 °C and 20% vacuum. The thermal modification resulted in changing wood colour, mechanical strength, hardness, dimensional stability and durability. All the wood modification processes were carried out at industrial scale after pre-tests at laboratory scale. The modified material was characterized regarding flexural properties, static and dynamic hardness, structural integrity, abrasion resistance, moisture dynamics, dimensional stability, and durability against white, brown and soft rot fungi. In summary, the test results showed that the consecutive application of thermo-mechanical densification and thermal modification leads to significantly improved durability whilst mechanical properties at least for beech, ash and poplar remained and the material is dimensionally stable.
  • the samples were manufactured and conditioned at 20 °C/65% RH prior to the various tests
  • density: X-ray measurements (Grecon DAX 6000), specimen 50 by 50 by approx. 20 mm^3 (longitudinal by width by thickness)
  • abrasion: Shaker method described by Brischke et al. (2005)*: Specimens of 35 (ax.) by 8.5 by 8.5 mm^3 were placed in polyethylene flasks (V = 500 ml) together with 400 g of steel balls (diameter 6 mm) and moved in an overhead shaker at 28 revolutions min^−1 for 72 h
  • brinell hardness: transverse to the grain, ball indenter with a diameter D = 10 mm, Fmax = 1000 N

Physikalische Eigenschaften

Name Wert Sollbereich Bemerkung Messverfahren und -bedingungen
Dichte 622 kg/m³ σ = 89.5 kg/m³ Untreated, reference Mean oven-dry density
1202.4 kg/m³ σ = 133.6 kg/m³ Only densified, 43% DoD Mean oven-dry density
674.9 kg/m³ σ = 98.6 kg/m³ Densified, 230 °C/20%, 43% DoD Mean oven-dry density
735.8 kg/m³ σ = 65.3 kg/m³ Densified, 230 °C/80%, 43% DoD Mean oven-dry density
672.9 kg/m³ σ = 74.7 kg/m³ Densified, 240 °C/20%, 43% DoD Mean oven-dry density
Mechanische Eigenschaften
Abrieb 18.2 % σ = 6.7 % Untreated, reference Shaker method
50 % σ = 23.4 % Densified, 230 °C/80%, 43% DoD Shaker method
49.3 % σ = 7.3 % Densified, 230 °C/20%, 43% DoD Shaker method
62.6 % σ = 3.6 % Densified, 240 °C/80%, 43% DoD Shaker method
Biege-Elastizitätsmodul 10065 MPa σ = 2568 MPa Untreated, reference DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
18102 MPa σ = 1831 MPa Only densified, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
9996 MPa σ = 2702 MPa Densified, 230 °C/80%, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
8246 MPa σ = 1671 MPa Densified, 230 °C/20%, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
6919 MPa σ = 3202 MPa Densified, 240 °C/80%, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
Biegefestigkeit 110 MPa σ = 28 MPa Untreated, reference DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
219 MPa σ = 30 MPa Only densified, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
43 MPa σ = 18 MPa Densified, 230 °C/80%, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
34 MPa σ = 3 MPa Densified, 230 °C/20%, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
39 MPa σ = 26 MPa Densified, 240 °C/80%, 43% DoD DIN 52186 (1978), three-point bending test
Brinell-Härte 3.59 kg/mm² σ = 0.30 kg/mm² Untreated, reference EN 1534 (2010)
8.54 kg/mm² σ = 0.88 kg/mm² Only densified, 43% DoD EN 1534 (2010)
3.37 kg/mm² σ = 0.46 kg/mm² Densified, 230 °C/80%, 43% DoD EN 1534 (2010)
2.91 kg/mm² σ = 0.27 kg/mm² Densified, 230 °C/20%, 43% DoD EN 1534 (2010)
3.24 kg/mm² σ = 0.33 kg/mm² Densified, 240 °C/80%, 43% DoD EN 1534 (2010)
zugehörige wissenschaftliche Publikation


Daten bereitgestellt von

Professur für Ingenieurholzbau und baukonstruktives Entwerfen

Ansprechpartner für diese Materialdaten

Jörg Wehsener
Anfrage per E-Mail

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.03.2022

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