Material Hub > Materials



  1. nonmetals 10
  2. synthetical 10
  3. plastics 9
  4. organic 9
  5. Graphit 6
  6. light metals 6
  7. show 9 more

Application areas

  1. seals 20
  2. food contact 16
  3. insulation 14
  4. electronics 13
  5. power engineering 6
  6. fire protection 5
  7. show 15 more


  1. TA Luft 12
  2. GL 11
  3. Blow-out VDI 2200 10
  4. BAM 9
  5. DVGW 9
  6. Verordnung (EG) 1935/2004 9
  7. show 8 more

data provided by

  1. Fraunhofer IWU, Abteilung Leichtbau, Textiltechnologien und Circular Economy
  2. Frenzelit GmbH
  3. Key to Metals AG 1000
  4. Röchling Engineering Plastics SE & Co. KG 354
  5. Kahmann & Ellerbrock 99
  6. Victrex plc 75
  7. Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials 67
  8. Rhenotherm Kunststoffbeschichtungs GmbH 57
  9. show 18 more

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